Feature and Follow Friday: Favourite Picture Books

Feature and Follow Friday is a weekly meme hosted by Parajunkee and Alison Can Read.

I'm a little late to the party this week, but when I saw the topic I just had to join in. My family, myself included, are a bunch of hoarders. This means that I'm lucky enough to still have all of my childhood picture books, and yes I do like to revisit them from time to time. These are a few of my favourites:

Being brought up on a farm meant that these books basically reflected real life for me- the mum even looks like my mum! Those who know the Usborne books will know the little yellow duck that you have to find on every page.. one year we took a little yellow duck teddy with us on holiday and hid him in every photo. Yeah...

Full of flaps, letters, rhymes and nonsense, I absolutely loved this book, and it's still on my bookshelf today. I remember that the spider used to scare me, which is probably why his envelope is the best preserved in the whole book! I used to sit and stare at the little postcard from Oz for hours!

A lift the flap book full of animals, basically the perfect book for toddler sized me!

What are/were your favourite picture books? 


  1. I remember The Jolly Pocket postman, this weeks category has certainly bought up loads of memories :) Great picks!

  2. I loved Dear Zoo! And the Jolly Postman ... I heard Allan Ahlberg on Desert Island Discs not so long ago, he said he and his wife got the idea because of how much their daughter liked playing with envelopes but it took forever for 'the technology' to come together to actually make the book. Beautiful stories :)


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