Book A Day 5: A Book that isn't Mine

This month over on Twitter, @BoroughPress are hosting a #bookaday meme. It's almost impossible for me to justify my choices in 140 characters, so I'm expanding on them here. Click here to view the schedule.

I had a surprising amount of choice for this; studying English Literature at A Level and university inevitably leaves you with a stack of books that you were probably supposed to return but never quite got around to doing so. Given the recent news that a film adaptation of this is in the pipeline starring none other than the almighty forces of Benedict Cumberbatch and Tom Hiddleston, my choice today had to be Journey's End by R. C Sherriff. Poignant and thought-provoking, it's been a good four years since I read it, but it's stayed with me ever since.

Have you got any books lying around that aren't technically yours? Let me know in the comments, then head over to Twitter to join in the #bookaday fun!

Click here to have a gander at my other #bookaday choices!

P.S. Are there any UK bloggers out there on Bookbridgr? I'm just getting to grips with it now, seems pretty cool so far!
