Review: My Animals and Other Family by Clare Balding

I absolutely loved this book, and anyone who loves animals will immediately identify with Clare and her childhood adventures. 

Structuring the novel in such an innovative way- with each chapter devoted to a beloved horse or dog and her life at the time of their existence- makes a refreshing change from the traditional celebrity autobiography. Clare herself is a very talented writer; I loved little Clare as much as my favourite fictional characters, in fact she would make the perfect stubborn and hay-strewn heroine in a children's novel! Be warned that the book is an emotional rollercoaster, I was literally laughing one minute and crying the next, and it is clear from Clare's adorable descriptions of her animals just how much she loved them. 

I have been lucky enough to have been surrounded by many wonderful animals in my life thus far, and this book made me reflect and remember them. It is a book worth taking your time over; I often find it difficult to get through autobiographies as quickly as fiction and this was no exception, although each chapter is an adventure in itself. I would perhaps liked to have read more about grown up Clare, but she has left plenty of scope for a sequel.

5/5 stars: A heartwarming read about a little girl and her beloved animals, and how they shaped her into the inspirational woman that she is today.


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