Book A Day 1: Favourite Book from Childhood

Over on Twitter, the lovely folk at @BoroughPress are hosting #bookaday. It's as simple as it sounds, each day in June book lovers tweet about a book that falls into a certain category. So head on over there and get involved! I thought it might be fun to elaborate on my choices here: after all it's almost impossible to do a book justice in only 140 characters! For those who are interested, here's the #bookaday schedule:

Credit of course goes to The Borough Press

So onto my first #bookaday, my favourite book from childhood. Aside from the picture books that I learnt to read with, my childhood pretty much consisted solely of Beatrix Potter and Enid Blyton. I love all of their books dearly, and it was difficult to choose between them. In the end though, The Famous Five won out; the memories of looking out for smugglers and secret treasure on our family holidays to the seaside are ones that will stay with me forever!

That still left me with twenty odd books to choose from, but in the end I opted for Five on a Secret Trail. My mum had read Enid Blyton's books to me from the moment I was old enough to understand them, but one of my earliest memories of reading independently was staying up late into the night to finish this one! I remember being so proud of myself and telling everyone the next day...

What's your favourite childhood book? Let me know in the comments, and don't forget to head over to Twitter to join in the #bookaday fun!


  1. Thanks for pointing out this twitter meme!

    I had to pick a series too! I feel my childhood consisted of a lot of book series - The Babysitter's Club, Redwall, A Series of Unfortunate Events, The Saddle Club. But in the end, my love of horses won and I had to pick the Thoroughbred series.

    Obsessive Compulsive Reader

    1. I loved The Babysitter's Club too, especially the mystery ones!


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